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Paragod's Iron Gate History

Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Mission 4 | Mission 5
Stat Rank Order Desc Date Comment
1:26:52 24/74 08-09-06
1:09:80 23/194 03-07-23 Very nice!
1:26:52 23/73 07-22-06
1:09:80 23/195 07-18-23 Very nice!
1:26:52 23/73 08-03-06
1:09:80 23/195 07-21-23 Very nice!
1:26:52 22/71 06-26-06
1:09:80 22/192 11-18-22 Very nice!
1:26:52 22/73 07-21-06
1:09:80 22/192 11-21-22 Very nice!
1:26:52 22/71 06-25-06
1:09:80 21/191 08-25-22 Very nice!
20/190 08-22-22
19/189 07-04-22
18/188 06-28-21
17/187 05-19-21
1:22:34 17/74 08-22-06 decent run, I think I can go below 1:20 with a few more tries
1:09:80 17/186 01-30-21 Very nice!
16/186 12-02-20
15/182 01-01-20
14/180 10-03-19
13/179 09-07-19
12/179 08-18-19
1:18:85 12/74 08-26-06 Sub 1:20!
1:09:80 12/179 08-19-19 Very nice!
1:18:85 12/74 08-27-06 Sub 1:20!
1:09:80 12/179 08-26-19 Very nice!
1:18:85 11/74 08-25-06 Sub 1:20!
1:09:80 11/176 03-18-19 Very nice!
1:20:05 11/74 08-24-06 close enough. I can probably do 1:16 or so since I found a faster way to do the 4th door.
1:09:80 11/175 03-09-19 Very nice!
10/173 10-20-18
1:18:85 10/74 08-25-06 Sub 1:20!
1:09:80 9/164 12-09-16 Very nice!
1:17:07 9/74 08-30-06
1:09:80 9/173 10-07-18 Very nice!
1:12:45 8/130 09-07-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 8/162 05-24-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 8/131 09-17-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 8/162 06-07-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 8/131 09-19-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 8/163 07-12-16 Very nice!
1:17:07 8/74 08-27-06
1:12:45 8/132 09-20-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:17:07 8/74 08-29-06
1:12:45 8/130 04-19-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 8/162 04-13-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 8/131 07-09-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 8/162 04-28-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 8/130 08-30-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 8/161 05-17-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 7/127 02-26-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 7/160 03-02-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 7/127 03-03-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 7/161 03-12-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 7/128 03-11-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 7/161 03-25-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 7/122 07-06-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 7/162 04-13-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 7/122 07-11-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 7/162 04-13-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 7/123 08-19-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 7/160 02-08-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 7/127 01-03-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 7/160 02-12-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 7/127 01-08-12 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 7/160 02-13-16 Very nice!
1:12:45 6/122 06-21-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:14:85 6/74 09-01-06
1:09:80 6/153 03-12-15 Very nice!
1:12:45 6/121 06-25-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:14:85 6/74 09-01-06
1:09:80 6/154 03-14-15 Very nice!
1:12:45 6/121 06-25-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:14:85 6/75 09-01-06
1:09:80 6/153 04-23-15 Very nice!
1:14:85 6/75 09-02-06
1:09:80 6/153 04-26-15 Very nice!
1:14:85 6/75 09-04-06
1:09:80 6/153 04-26-15 Very nice!
1:12:45 6/121 01-08-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 6/153 04-30-15 Very nice!
1:12:45 6/120 01-14-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:15:20 6/74 08-31-06
1:09:80 6/153 03-10-15 Very nice!
1:12:45 6/121 06-09-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 6/153 03-12-15 Very nice!
5/150 02-03-15
1:13:95 5/76 09-28-06 close, will get 1:12 later
1:09:80 5/145 06-28-14 Very nice!
1:12:45 5/119 08-30-10 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 5/133 12-10-12 Very nice!
1:12:45 5/120 09-10-10 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 5/135 01-20-13 Very nice!
1:12:45 5/119 10-15-10 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 5/135 02-03-13 Very nice!
1:12:45 5/120 01-08-11 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 5/136 02-17-13 Very nice!
1:13:95 5/75 09-04-06 close, will get 1:12 later
1:10:52 5/133 09-26-12 Happy with this - it was a nice run. I'l probably try for sub-1:10 eventually though.
1:09:80 5/144 05-13-14 Very nice!
1:12:45 5/118 07-01-10 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:09:80 5/132 10-20-12 Very nice!
1:13:95 5/76 09-12-06 close, will get 1:12 later
1:10:52 5/133 09-28-12 Happy with this - it was a nice run. I'l probably try for sub-1:10 eventually though.
1:09:80 5/145 05-18-14 Very nice!
1:12:45 5/119 07-26-10 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 5/81 01-15-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:09:80 5/132 11-08-12 Very nice!
1:14:85 5/74 08-31-06
1:09:80 5/142 01-04-14 Very nice!
1:13:95 5/76 09-28-06 close, will get 1:12 later
1:09:80 5/145 06-28-14 Very nice!
1:12:45 5/120 08-22-10 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 5/81 01-15-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:09:80 5/132 12-06-12 Very nice!
1:12:45 4/108 06-08-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/79 11-04-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/107 03-10-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/80 02-19-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/102 12-20-08 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/76 10-01-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/104 01-03-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/79 11-04-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/107 03-24-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/81 03-11-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/110 06-12-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/77 10-16-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/104 01-17-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/79 12-28-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/106 03-24-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/84 06-19-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/109 06-15-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/77 10-16-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/104 01-24-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/80 01-04-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/107 04-17-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:34 4/96 02-24-08 bs why can't i get something cool like 1:10
1:13:84 4/85 06-19-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:79 4/102 10-05-08 I had to bust my hand to get this.. 1:08 must be more perfect then my metal harbor record or something cause for me 1:11 would be perfect
1:12:45 4/110 06-16-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/77 10-18-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/105 02-08-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/81 01-08-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/107 04-19-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/86 06-19-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/110 07-03-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/77 10-21-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/105 02-14-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/81 01-13-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/107 04-20-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/83 05-08-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/102 10-05-08 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/77 10-21-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/107 03-08-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/83 06-02-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/102 10-28-08 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/78 10-30-06 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/106 03-10-09 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:84 4/83 06-03-07 beat by a whole hundredth! if psyknux beats this then he wins, because like I got this time a month ago and I completely suck at walker levels now(as if I didnt suck enough to begin with)
1:12:45 4/101 11-22-08 figured out psyknux's shortcut with the help of his comment, how come I never think of things that simple? run was okay til I got stuck on boxes at the end and blew 1:11 :(
1:13:34 3/96 04-13-08 bs why can't i get something cool like 1:10
1:12:79 3/102 10-03-08 I had to bust my hand to get this.. 1:08 must be more perfect then my metal harbor record or something cause for me 1:11 would be perfect
1:13:34 3/93 01-06-08 bs why can't i get something cool like 1:10
1:12:79 3/102 10-04-08 I had to bust my hand to get this.. 1:08 must be more perfect then my metal harbor record or something cause for me 1:11 would be perfect
1:13:34 3/94 01-20-08 bs why can't i get something cool like 1:10
1:12:79 3/102 10-05-08 I had to bust my hand to get this.. 1:08 must be more perfect then my metal harbor record or something cause for me 1:11 would be perfect
1:13:34 3/97 05-04-08 bs why can't i get something cool like 1:10
Player ID: 1084 | Game ID: 4 | Category ID: 1 | Level ID: 86
Hits: 537 | Hits This Month: 7 | DB Calls: 25 | Mem Usage: 812.11 KB | Time: 0.16s | Printable

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